David Peters

Dave is our Coach Co-ordinator; who’s roles include the supervision, management and motivation of team members. Dave was awarded the Somerset ECB Cricket Coach of the year 2018 and is a Level 2 Football coach and a level 3 Cricket coach with a specialism in Multi Skills.
What are your sporting specialisms?
Football, Cricket, multi-skills and team games.
What are your hobbies?
Going to the gym, playing PS5! I love walking and getting out in the fresh air, and family time. Relaxing with a film and a good ‘healthy’ takeaway.
Top three films?
Shrek, Harry Potter and any comedy
Top 3 Chocolate bars?
Kinda Bueno, Milky Bar, Malteaser Bar.
Top 3 Favourite meals?
Steak, lasagne and breakfast of any kind!
Top three holiday destinations?
South Africa, especially Cape Town. Spain (Canary & Balearic Islands) and Dublin
Who is your Sporting Hero and Why?
Georgi Kinkladze - one of my earliest memories as a Man City fan is watching him live on many occasions. Just the way he was on the ball, was way ahead of his time. Underrated!
Who would be your three dream dinner party guests?
Shane Warne, Serena Williams, Pep Guadiola
If you could get a VIP ticket to any sporting occasion, which one would it be and why?
Tough one! The Ashes boxing day test in Australia. Man City in their next champions league final. England in the World Cup final. Any type of cricket in the sun - Windes, Cape Town (again) to name a couple, so so many!